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Network of Citizen Observers
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Network of Citizen Observers
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The Network of Citizen Observers (ROC) is a Citizen Observatory aimed at consolidating effective surveillance and strengthening laws for the protection and responsible development of artisanal fisheries and tourism activities in the Bay of La Paz and its ANPs, in close collaboration with the corresponding authorities in matters of inspection and surveillance. It works through citizen-driven vigilance and collaboration with local authorities and users to prevent illegal activities and preserve marine ecosystems by raising awareness and promoting community action.
For 25 years, pistoleros and encerradores devastated local reefs, using compressed air to harpoon fish at night or drive them into nets during the day, despite laws prohibiting such methods. This destruction temporarily halted in 2009-2010 due to ROC’s efforts, which reduced illegal boats from 29 to 4 and saved over 500 tons of reef fish in their first year.
ROC’s partnership with CONAPESCA inspectors has been instrumental in stopping illegal fishing and is now widely recognized by the community. As the licensed La Paz Waterkeeper under the Waterkeeper Alliance, ROC continues to protect vital marine habitats for future generations.
Protect natural and fishery resources through citizen surveillance in the Bay of La Paz, its Protected Natural Areas and priority marine sites in the Gulf of California.
Citizen reporting and community participation through a monitoring group.