Algea Research
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Algea Research
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Seaweed and algae create valuable habitats for small animals and small fish.
The Algforskarsommar (Algae Research Summer) explore the vibrant world of the Swedish Baltic Sea coast, focusing on the vital role of seaweed and algae in supporting marine ecosystems.
Those who want to participate in Algae Research Summer can choose between different tasks that are simple to do individually or with the family on a trip by the sea.
From discovering the effect of global warming to investigating seaweed production cycles and contributing photos to the project Residents can actively help protect this coastal biodiversity.
Discover what happens below the surface in this algae research summer project
Investigate and sample local seaweed.
I hope that many people will have the opportunity to visit a beach along our fantastic Baltic Sea coast and set aside a moment to investigate the life of a seaweed cluster.
Lena Kautsky, Professor Emeritus, Stockholm University's Baltic Sea Centre